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Bleeds, weeding, one time use, defuzzing, one time shot, transfer tape, gaps, stinky spray adhesive, vinyl cutting machines technology & plastic stencils crack.... ugh 🤦🏻‍♀️ I stink at it all. 

I love stencils over vinyl. Not only because my art work comes out smooth but also because they are just easier to use. Problem with plastic stencils is bleeding, cracks & stinky spray adhesive. Sometimes the spray adhesive leaves residue or peels off the finish you stencil on. Then you have to bridge your gaps & are limited to big company box designs. Problem with vinyl is well, it’s expensive, intricate, tedious & 9 times outta 10, it messes up. 

One day I discovered these screen like self adhesive stencils. They had some cool sayings & designs. I could reposition them, reuse them & save them for later! It was awesome!  Then, I had a big show. I ordered 50 of these suckers thinking they would do at least 5 projects each before wearing out. Set up the show, people flocked in, loved the SPiT mixed with PiNCHiE POWDER for perfect, bleed free, crisp lined stencils! I was rolling with pride! Then, they wore out in the middle of the show. Each one ended up only being good for about 2-3 uses. I was super bummed. But 200 outta 400 projects turned out great! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

While on break from my make & take I wondered around watching all the other make & takes when I stumbled upon this nerdy dude with a bright blue light & these extra - ordinary self adhesive screen stencils that he said he made himself! With this blue LIGHT! I was like...what what!?! Then he explained to me that he prints out any stencil like image with a regular printer on a special film. Then he lays it into of this blue sheet & beams onto it for 30 seconds. After that, he hits with hot water and BAM! He made his own custom designed stencil. I was mesmerized. 

Got home & called this nerdy cool dude & he sent me a set to try for myself. I figured it would be neat to make my own designs. I use them over & over like I did the others I found at the craft store. Heck, I could even make a drawing of the kids riding a unicorn if I wanted. So I tried thinking I’d mess this up too like I did my vinyl cutting machines. 

Went to my design space & printed out some SVG files I had saved. Printed them out on this film they provided, beamed them onto the screen, rinsed it with water, let it dry, beamed it again, applied it to a SPiT stained board, rubbed some PiNCHiE POWDER thickened SPiT across it & to my worked! First try, fine lines, super intricate hair lines & all! What failed on my vinyl cutting machine worked on my Ikon screen! 

I was excited! So my next show I made 50 of these thinking they would last 200 times. Well, they never wore out. They are still going strong after about 30 uses! You just do your design, peel off, do you design again, peel off, then when your done, then hit it with some water & place it back on it’s clear backing to use again! They are super durable! 

Best part is, if you don’t wash them out & let the thickened SPiT dry in them it doesn’t matter! Just hit it with some water & rub them clean with your hand, let dry & go again! It’s crazy! 

PiNCHiE POWDER mixed with SPiT makes an awesome chalk paste that is comparable with Chalk Couture Paste but you can make all colors plus METALLiC & glitters! Not only that, but it won’t ruin your screen stencils by drying in it. & you don’t have to wash it immediately out each time you use it! You can use it on glass or chalk board surfaces & simply wipe off your design with just water to change! Make permanent by sealing with ANY oil based top coat like wax or poly. 

Works on glass, metal, fabric, concrete, existing finishes, bare wood, chalk board, paper, canvas, plastic or leather. Endless possibilities. It doesn’t even need to be flat! 

The IKON ART Stencil Maker screens are far more durable than any self adhesive stencil I have ever experienced plus, you’re not limited to someone else’s box of ideas. You can design your own!!!  

I am loving the fact that there is no weeding, no expensive machines, no monthly membership fees, no stinky adhesive spray, no vinyl mess ups, no paint or finish lifting, plentiful repositioning & I GET TO BE OUT OF THE ONE STYLE FITS ALL BOX! And get this, THEY FOLD PERFECTLY AROUND CORNERS & joints! 

Check out the stencils I have done. I might as well sell my Cricut because I’m NEVER going back. 

I believe in this product. It works hand in hand with SPiT, my prototypes & PiNCHiE Powder. Together they makes perfect, bleed free, durable screen stencils! Money saver for sure! 

For those of you wondering where to get your own custom screen stencils, here it is!!
It’s called the Ikon Art Custom Self Adhesive Stencil Maker!!!

Here’s where you can get it—>
Use Code : UNICORNSPIT at check out for 10%-20% discount. 

Ikon Art is shipped & made right in Minnesota, USA! Super awesome & nerdy company thinking out of the box for super nerdy crafty artists like us!! 

Get your PiNCHiE Powder here —>

Michelle Nicole